When you are not considering the order and the duplicate elements, it is advisable to use this bag implementation which will improve the performance of hibernate a lot.
Mapping using Hibernate XML mapping:
Let us go the package com.demo.collections.Bag and execute the BagExecutor.java.
Things to look into:
* The ORM class Tour.java
* The xml mapping file com.demo.collections.Bag.hbm.xml
The variable travelledCountries has been declared using the java.util.Collection interface.
public class Tour {
private long id;
private String touristName;
private int numberOfTimesTravelled;
private Collection travelledCountries = new ArrayList();
// getter and setter methods
XML mapping file:
<hibernate-mapping auto-import="false">
<class name="com.demo.collections.Bag.Tour" table="TOURS" lazy="false">
<id name="id" column="TOURIST_ID" type="long">
<generator class="native" />
<property name="touristName" column="TOURIST_NAME"></property>
<property name="numberOfTimesTravelled" column="NUMBER_OF_TRAVELS"
type="integer" />
<!-- Declaration for Bag -->
<idbag name="travelledCountries" table="COUNTRIES" lazy="false">
<collection-id type="string" column="BAG_TABLE_ID">
<generator class="sequence"/>
<key column="TOURIST_ID" />
<element type="string" column="COUNTRY" not-null="true" />
* The xml element <idbag> will take care of the bag semantics in hibernate.
* The element <collection-id> defines the primay key of the collections table.
* The native generator of the primary key is not supproted for
* The key specifies that the primary key of the table TOURS will be the foreign key in the table COUNTRIES.
* The xml element element represents the column in the collections table to store the collection values.
After executing BagExecutor.java, run the simple select queries on the tables TOURS and COUNTRIES and verify the outputs in the eclipse console and in the HSQL DB manager as follows.
Mapping Bag using Annotations:
Let us go to the package annotation.com.demo.collections.Bag and execute the class BagAnnotationExecutor.java
Things to look into:
* The annotated ORM Tour.java
public class Tour {
private long id;
private String touristName;
private int numberOfTimesTravelled;
@CollectionOfElements(targetElement=java.lang.String.class, fetch=FetchType.EAGER)
private Collection
* The targetElement represents the type of element that collection stores and not required if we use the java Generics.
* The annotation @JoinTable is used to mention the table that is used to store the collection values.
* The annotation @JoinColumn here is equivalent to the xml element
* The hibernate annotation @org.hibernate.annotations.CollectionId specifies the priamy key column of the collections table.